published on 18 April 2018 @ 1:33 pm · COMMENT
Jacqueline Bart Ranks #1 Canadian Corporate Immigration Lawyer

Jacqueline Bart entering BartLAW’s offices at 8 Wellington Street East in downtown Toronto
“Wonderful attorney”
Jacqueline Bart of BartLAW Canadian Immigration Barristers and Solicitors ranks as the leading Canadian immigration practitioner in this year’s research.
Peers endorse her as “a highly personable, knowledgeable and effective lawyer”
For the fourth year in a row, Jacqueline has ranked first amongst Canadian corporate immigration lawyers by Law Business Research. Nominees have been selected based upon comprehensive, independent survey work with both general counsel and business lawyers in private practice worldwide. Only specialists who have met independent international research criteria are listed.
- Law Business Research, affiliated with the American Bar Association, Section of International Law.